Thursday, 9 October 2014

Some Thoughts on Experimentation

In the last month or so I have been playing a lot with experimental lighting in portraits. I have always loved aberrations and glitches in photography. Using them effectively in an age of instagram filters poses a challenge. It is interesting the more you explore a technique with tests and personal projects the more it bleeds into your everyday work. It just goes to show the importance of personal work, no matter how experimental in pushing yourself forward as an image maker. The four images below were shot on the back of commercial shoots and at home, they are followed by a portrait that I shot for Esquire a couple of weeks back, the personal work is not relevant on a commercial platform, but when toned back a bit works nicely in the portrait of Ellen Parr, a fantastic chef and co-creator of the art of dining (yes she is also the daughter of Martin Parr)

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Esquire Weekly Magazine